Presentation of the volume "The secrets of Tutankhamon" and the opening of the exhibition "Rediscovering Tutankhamon"
Presentation of the volume: "I Segreti di Tutankhamon"
- The CAMNES-LdM day dedicated to Tutankhamon on the occasion of the centenary of the discovery begins with the presentation of the volume "The secrets of Tutankhamn" (Longanesi, Italian) by Valentina Santini at the ex-church of S. Jacopo, in via Faenza (Italy) 43, Florence, 15:00.
Mostra "ReDiscovering Tutankhamon"
- After the presentation of the volume (see above), the day will continue at 17:00, with the inauguration of the "Rediscovering Tutankhamon" exhibition, dedicated to the child Pharaoh on the occasion of the centeranous of the discovery of the tomb. The exhibition will remain open at the LDM Gallery in via de 'Pucci 4, in Florence (Italy), until November 18, 2022.