Archaeological excavation, documentation and landscape survey projects
La Necropoli di Sasso Pinzuto (Tuscania, VT)
TAP - Tuscania Archaeological Project
Archaeological excavation project of the Etruscan tombs of Hellenistic period of 'Pian delle Rusciare' and 'Podere Pratino'
The Etruscan Necropolises of Tuscania (Italy)
New project dedicated to the archaeological investigation of the kurgans in Azerbaijan
GaRKAP - Ganja Region Kurgan Archaeological Project (Azerbaijan)
Archaeological excavation project of the Etruscan quarters and tombs of Archaic period of 'Macchia del Monte'
The Etruscan Necropolis and Settlement of the Accesa Lake (Italy)
Cataloguing and restoration project of the Hatra statuary corpus of the Iraq Museum in Baghdad in cooperation with the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH)