SANEM series

Official series of the scientific publications of CAMNES in collaboration with the publishing house Arbor Sapientiae of Rome

Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean
Published by:
Arbor Sapientiae (Rome, Italy)

Scientific Committee:
Giorgio Buccellati, Aaron Burke, Giovanni Alberto Cecconi, Massimo Cultraro, Ian Hodder, Salima Ikram, Nicola Laneri, Mario Liverani, Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Vincenzo Palleschi, Annamaria Ronchitelli, Adam T. Smith
Editorial Board:
Maria Elisa Garcia Barraco, Guido Guarducci, Valentina Santini, Simona Sperindei, Stefano Valentini

Introduction to the editorial series
The SANEM editorial series, ‘Studies on the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean’, is the official channel for the scientific monographic studies of CAMNES, Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies, created with the support of the publishing house Arbor Sapientiae of Rome.
The logo of the series, a chimera with wings, was chosen as a symbolic embodiment of the close connections and merging traits of Eastern and Western cultures. Indeed, the iconography of the chimera was born within the Classical ambit, but its roots are to be found in the Near East as the examples found in Ebla (18th century BCE) and in Carchemish (11-9th century BCE) demonstrate.
Works of significant scientific value are published in the SANEM series regarding the broad fields of archaeology, anthropology, history, philology and art history of the ancient past of the Near Eastern and Mediterranean cultural areas. Particular attention is devoted to modern methods of investigation for the reconstruction and the interpretation of these cultures in a time span that stretches from prehistory to the Classical period.
According to the principles of CAMNES, the SANEM series is ideal not only for established scholars but also for the publication of the works of young researchers at the beginning of their academic careers and their research projects.
Given the international context in which CAMNES operates, the works of the series will be predominantly published in English, and subjected to double-blind peer review by the SANEM Scientific Committee, created specifically for the editorial series. In special cases CAMNES may also rely on a peer review outside the Scientific Committee.
All volumes in the series are to be published following an irregular chronological sequence and will be issued in paper and in digital editions.

Ricerca, Tutela, Gestione, Valorizzazione
Atti del Convegno di Firenze, 7-9 Giugno 2023

Edited by Stefano Valentini - Guido Guarducci - Valentina Santini

Arbor Sapientiae (Roma), 2024

About ten years after the edition of the volume "Archeology in Florence: City and Territory", CAMNES publishes the Proceedings of the conference "Archeology in Tuscany", held in Florence in June 2023. The volume is divided into thematic sections that collect The contributions presented during the conference by archaeologists, researchers and operators of the cultural heritage sector, of all the Superintendencies of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Tuscany, of the Universities of Florence, Siena, Pisa and Foreigners of Siena, of the Regional Museum Directorate, of the CNR and the management of goods, institutions, cultural activities and sports of the Tuscany Region. The contributions, focused on the different geographical areas of Tuscany, cross the history of this land from prehistory to the Middle Ages and return to the reader an comprehensive picture of the work done by researchers, archaeologists and operators of cultural heritage, in the last ten years, on the sites, parks and regional archaeological museums. A work that is here to demonstrate that archeology is not only that of the great discoveries, but above all that of daily and patient work of many figures active in the field, in all phases of the "archaeological process".

INDEX (each contribution has an English abstract)
Archeologia per le Comunità
-       Elisabetta Giorgi, Andrea Arrighetti, Alessandra Nardini, Laura Pagliantini, Nicoletta Volante – Archeologia con e per le comunità: per una concreta attuazione della Convenzione di Faro
-       Simonetta Menchelli, Anna Anguissola, Francesca Anichini, Gabriele Gattiglia – Archeologia per le comunità. Alcune iniziative degli Archeologi ed Archeologhe dell’Università di Pisa
-       Michele Nucciotti – Archeologia Pubblica e Archeologia Leggera a Firenze: mappare le trasformazioni urbane della ‘Città Profonda’
-       Claudia Noferi – Co-progettazione, social media e mediazione di un patrimonio condiviso. Le aree archeologiche di Vetulonia, Roselle e Cosa tra collaborazioni consolidate e nuovi progetti
-       Maddalena Chelini, Fabio Martini, Chiara De Marco, Manuela Fusi, Lucia Sarti – Archeologia sociale: esperienze di gestione per uno sviluppo educativo delle comunità
-       Chiara De Marco, Maria Teresa Cuda, Fabio Martini, Giovanna Pizziolo, Lucia Sarti, Nicoletta Volante – "ABC-Archeologia Bene Comune”: una rete di musei toscani per la valorizzazione della Preistoria
Archeologia della Produzione
-       Luisa Dallai, Giovanna Pizziolo, Nicoletta Volante, Andrea Zifferero – Risorse ed economie nei paesaggi minerari maremmani dalla Preistoria alla prima Età Moderna
-       Claudia Sciuto, Cristiana Petrinelli Pannocchia, Alice Vassanelli, Jacopo Gennai, Elisabetta Starnini – Archeologia dei materiali lapidei tra Paleolitico e Contemporaneità nella Toscana nord-occidentale: produzione, riciclo e sostenibilità
-       Cristiana Petrinelli Pannocchia, Alice Vassanelli, Antonio Borzatti de Loewenstern, Barbara Raimondi – Nuove ricerche, vecchie collezioni: gli ornamenti in steatite pre-protostorici della Toscana
-       Alice Vassanelli – MARMO: i più antichi manufatti in marmo della Toscana
-       Andrea Terziani, Cecilia Viti, Nicoletta Volante – Strategie di lavoro in una miniera di cinabro tardo neolitica. Dati preliminari sull’analisi tecno-funzionale e petrografica dei macrolithic tools di Poggio Spaccasasso (Alberese, GR)
Pubblico e Privato: tra Promozione e Collaborazione
-       Antonio Alberti, M. Chiara Bettini, Claudia Rizzitelli, Alessandro Zanini – Un insediamento protostorico nella periferia di Pisa
-       Chiara Lanari, Francesco Tapinassi, Maria Angela Turchetti, Giuseppe M. Della Fina, Gianluca Bambi – Il prodotto turistico omogeneo ‘Toscana Terra Etrusca’
-       Neva Chiarenza – Una bottega tintoria rinascimentale nel Centro Storico di Lucca: esempio virtuoso di collaborazione fra pubblico e privato
-       Susanna Sarti, Giada Fatucci – Novità da Cosa. L’archivio dell’American Academy in Rome racconta
Valorizzazione: dallo Scavo al Museo
-       Chiara Valdambrini, Claudia Noferi, Valter Nunziatini, Linda Venturi, Daniele Visconti – Il Museo Archeologico e d’Arte della Maremma di Grosseto, Roselle ed il progetto GrITAccess del Programma Interregionale Italia-Francia Marittimo
-       Silvia Guideri, Marta Coccoluto, Elena Pianea, Alessandro Bezzini, Valerio Tesi, Leonardo Bochicchio, Stefano Casciu, Maria Gatto – Il Parco Archeologico di Baratti e Populonia, il Museo di Piombino e l'Accordo MIC-RT-Comune di Piombino come best practice
-       Giulia Picchi – Tutela e valorizzazione dei beni archeologici dalle cave di Carrara: problematiche e interventi realizzati
-       Neva Chiarenza, Giulia Picchi – Dallo scavo al museo: studio, restauro e valorizzazione del sarcofago in piombo di Antraccoli, Lucca
-       Francesca Condò, Maria Gatto – Gli Arretina vasa: una questione di branding. Il racconto della fortuna della terra sigillata aretina nelle sale rinnovate del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Arezzo
-       Arianna Vernillo, Annalena Brini, Gabriella Capecchi, Paolo Liverani, Pasquino Pallecchi, Anna Patera, Giovanni Rotondi, Monica Salvini – Dilacerata Signa: frammenti di statuaria romana in bronzo dai Renai di Signa. Dal recupero alla musealizzazione
-       Angela Cardini, Maria Teresa Cuda, Claudio Mancianti, Massimo Marini, Nicoletta Volante – Interventi di valorizzazione nel Parco Archeologico Naturalistico di Belverde (Cetona, SI)
-       Francesca Bertini, Arianna Vernillo – Gonfienti e il Museo archeologico presso la Rocca Strozzi a Campi Bisenzio. La lunga storia del popolamento nella piana
-       Paolo Bruschetti, Pietro Matracchi, Ada Salvi – Le mura di Cortona, un patrimonio da riscoprire
-       Andrea U. De Giorgi, Allison E. Smith, Matthew Brennan – Visualizzare Cosa. Dallo scavo alla realtà virtuale
-       Antonino Meo – Pisa, complesso ex-Salesiani. Dallo scavo alla musealizzazione
Tra Ricerca e Archeologia Preventiva
-       Michele Bueno, Ursula Wierer, Lorenzo Cecchini, Andrea Violetti, Ludovico Giannini, Giulia Gallerini, Francesco Cini, Agnese Pittari, Mauro Stefanelli – Scoperta e scavo di due pozzi antichi a Empoli e Montespertoli (FI). Metodi d’indagine e scelte strategiche a confronto
-       Ada Salvi – Nuovi dati per Cortona: l’area di Camucia alla luce di alcune recenti indagini archeologiche
-       Elena Sorge – L’Anfiteatro che non c’era. Scavo, restauro e valorizzazione
-       Paolo Liverani, Caterina Grassi – Il Foro di Rusellae e il suo Augusteo
-       Ilaria Romeo, Anna Maria Nardon – L’Edificio P e i suoi intonaci dipinti: nuove indagini a Cosa
-       Lorella Alderighi – Il sito archeologico della Linguella a Portoferraio. Nuovi interventi di scavo, restauro e musealizzazione
-       Sem Scaramucci, Adriana Moroni – Ricerche archeologiche sul geosito di La Pietra: il paesaggio della cava eneolitica
-       Lisa Rosselli, Carmine De Mizio, Maria Vittoria Riccomini – I tumuli etruschi in località Le Colombaie a Volterra
-       Ada Salvi, Federico Salzotti – Le fornaci etrusche di Piano Tondo a Castelnuovo Berardenga (SI)
-       Alessia Contino, Lucilla D’Alessandro, Martina Rodinò – Cosa e i suoi materiali: produzioni locali e contatti mediterranei
-       Alberto Caroti, Stefano Genovesi, Francesco Ghizzani, Germana Sorrentino, Fabio Fabiani – Pisa Progetto Suburbio: le domus romane di Piazza Andrea Del Sarto
-       Domingo Belcari – Vada Volaterrana: i paesaggi costieri
-       Silvia Marini, Paolo Sangriso – Vada Volaterrana. Il sistema portuale e la sua comunità
-       Sabrina Bartali, Antonio Alberti, Alessandro Costantini, Elisabetta Neri – L'indagine archeologica dell’insediamento romani di Sant’Antonio (Comune di Montaione): strutture residenziali romane e tardo antiche
-       Cristina Menghini – Fonti scomparse e pozzi ritrovati alle Due Porte (SI)
-       Alberto Agresti, Guido Agresti, Marie Ange Causarano, Lorenzo Crescioli, Lucrezia Cuniglio, Gianfranco Morelli, Ursula Wierer – Le mura di pietra e di acqua: le fortificazioni della Badia di Settimo
-       Alberto Agresti, Guido Agresti, Marie Ange Causarano, Lorenzo Crescioli, Lucrezia Cuniglio, Anna Floridia, Massimo Gavazzi, Sonia Mugnaini, Giovanni Roncaglia, Ursula Wierer – San Salvatore a Settimo, Scandicci (FI). La sala capitolare
-       Cristina Ducci – Testimonianze archeologiche lungo la via del Bigallo, Bagno a Ripoli
-       Ada Salvi, Alessio Mini – Lo scavo del Palatium della Rocca di Civitella in Val di Chiana (AR): dati preliminari e primi risultati
-       Stefano Bertoldi – Nuovi dati ceramici da Siena (XVIII secolo). La bottega del Maestro di Fornace Antonio Ceccarelli
Il Mestiere e gli Strumenti della Tutela
-       Michele Bueno, Pierluigi Giroldini, Valentina Leonini, Massimo Tarantini, Arianna Vernillo, Ursula Wierer – Il mestiere della tutela. L’attività archeologica delle Soprintendenze dopo un decennio di riforme: uno sguardo dalle province di Firenze, Pistoia e Prato
-       Marcella Giorgio – Strumenti digitali per la tutela archeologica delle province di Pisa e Livorno: il GIS-ARCHEO
-       Vittorio Mascelli, Paolo Baldi, Maurizio Martinelli, Paolo Giulierini, Marta Coccoluto – Il Portale Cultura della Regione Toscana e il patrimonio digitale etrusco
-       Lucia Sarti, Fabio Martini – Archeologia preistorica in area fiorentina: un esempio di archeologia preventiva ante litteram. Complessità e potenzialità della gestione dei dati acquisiti per la ricostruzione storica di un territorio
-       Monica Salvini – Il livello archeologico del Piano Strutturale del Comune di Firenze
-       Andrea Arrighetti, Marco Repole – PROTECT: un progetto di archeosismologia per la città di Siena
-       Jacopo Crezzini, Marco Giamello, Debora Caldarelli, Jacopo Bruttini – I pozzi di butto del centro storico di Siena: buone pratiche nel recupero e nello studio dei reperti
-       Agnese Sagliuoccolo, Federico Cantini, Valentina Giuffra, Antonio Fornaciari – La “Pellegrina” di San Sisto, Pisa (secolo XII d.C.)
-       Ada Salvi, Riccardo Bargiacchi, Dimitri Pizzuto, Chiara Marcotulli – Dalla torre al castello: il sito di Belfiore a Capolona (AR)
Luoghi Sacri
-       Stefano Bertoldi, Stefano Campana, Alessandra Nardini, Marco Valenti, Nicoletta Volante – Percorsi e paesaggi sacri dai culti preistorici alla cristianità tardo medievale: nuovi dati e interpretazioni dal territorio senese
-       Mattia Bischeri, Marco Pacifici – Novità sul regime delle offerte in lega metallica dalla vasca del Bagno Grande a San Casciano dei Bagni (SI)
Paesaggi e Insediamenti
-       Enrico Conti, Ivan Martini, Adriana Moroni, Francesco Boschin, Vincenzo Spagnolo – Il promontorio dell’Argentario nel Paleolitico medio. Come geomatica, geologia e archeologia possono ricostruire i paesaggi del passato
-       Giovanna Bianchi, Franco Cambi, Stefano Campana, Stefano Camporeale, Elisabetta Giorgi, Cynthia Mascione, Luca Passalacqua, Laura Pagliantini, Rossella Pansini, Giovanna Pizziolo, Edoardo Vanni, Nicoletta Volante, Andrea Zifferero – Paesaggi insediativi e di potere tra Maremma e Arcipelago Toscano nella lunga durata: continuità, discontinuità, resilienze, nuove prospettive
-       Fabio Martini, Lapo Baglioni, Patrizio Balli, Chiara De Marco, Manuela Fusi, Isabella Matera, Gaia Mustone, Pasquino Pallecchi, Matteo Penco, Lucia Pasquariello, Lucia Sarti – Il popolamento preistorico tra area fiorentina e Mugello: nuovi dati
Florentia e il suo Ager
-       Giorgio F. Pocobelli – La centuriazione ad est di Firenze: nuovi spunti di ricerca dalle immagini aeree
-       Pierluigi Giroldini, Erika Albertini, Carlotta Bigagli, Federica Mennuti, Alessandro Palchetti, Rosalba Settesoldi – Dinamiche di occupazione di un settore dell’agro centuriato di Florentia alla luce delle ricerche presso il Viola Park (Bagno a Ripoli, FI)
-       Giovanna Liberotti – Eredità Culturali: l’acquedotto romano di Florentia e la viabilità

Rethinking Osiris
Proceedings of the International Conference. Florence, Italy 26-27 March 2019

Edited by Massimiliano Franci - Salima Ikram - Irene Morfini

Arbor Sapientiae (Roma), 2021

In Collaboration with:  

The figure of the god Osiris is paradigmatic of the ancient Egyptian culture, connected with both kingship and religion, state and myth, whose analysis continues to shed light on paramount aspects of the Egyptian world as well as providing new perspectives on its multifaceted culture. This volume collects the papers presented during the “Rethinking Osiris” International Conference that took place in Florence, Italy, from the 26th to the 27th of March 2019. The contributions reflect the variety and complexity of the Osiriac concept discussed during the conference, providing the foundation for fresh avenues of interpretation and introducing new viewpoints from which to reconsider Osiris’ pivotal and manifold functions, which attracted so much interest during the millennia as well as rethinking the Osiris phenomenon at the dawn of the Third Millennium.

Massimiliano FRANCI, Introduction; Mark SMITH, Following Osiris: New Perspectives for the Twenty-First Century; Nils BILLING ‘Meryre has come to you, Horus, so that you may make it for him, this great and perfect speech that you gave to Osiris’. Ritual identification of the king with Osiris’ in the pyramids of Unas and Pepi I; Mariano BONANNO, A New Osirian Solar Epithet in TT49? Considerations about the nocturnal sun in the chapel; Sara CARAMELLO, Osiris, the Aramaeans, and the Water; Maria Cristina GUIDOTTI, Unpublished images of Osiris in the Egyptian Museum of Florence; Nadine GUILHOU, Osiris and the Heavenly Bodies; Dagmara HałaDaj, Scenes and symbols of Osirian character in the iconography of Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Dynasty coffins from Thebes; Francesca IANNARILLI, The Nubian Osiris: traditions and elaborations of the Osiris’s cult in the Kushite culture; Ilaria INCORDINO, Osiris in Byzantine Egypt? Possible reminiscences of Osirian themes in pottery decoration from Manqabad monastery (Asyut); Eid MERTAH, Studying polychromed bronze statues of Osiris: a methodology; Irene MORFINI, Milagros ÁLVAREZ SOSA, A New ‘Osiris Tomb’ in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna – Luxor: From Myth to Architecture, Andrzej NIWIŃSKI, Osiris on the 21st Dynasty cofins; Massimiliano NUZZOLO, The Appearance of Osiris. A case of royal patronage or a bottom up process?; Gyula PRISKIN, The 104 amulets of Osiris at Dendera; Valentina SANTINI, The role of Osiris During the Amarna age: From Texts to Depictions; Marina SARTORI, Osiris and the (lotus) fan. On the birth of a rare iconographic association; Uta SIFFERT, Osiris—the Mummy par excellence? Investigating the iconography, development and function of the Mummy shape during the Middle Kingdom.

Constructing Kurgans
Funerary Customs in the Caucasus and Eastern Anatolia During the Bronze and Iron Age

Edited by Nicola Laneri - Giulio Palumbi - Sylvie Müller-Celka

Arbor Sapientiae (Roma), 2019

Nicola Laneri, Sylvie Müller Celka, Giulio Palumbi: Constructing Kurgans: An Introduction; Adam T. Smith: Bronze Age Metaphysics: Burial and Being in the South Caucasus; Sabine Reinhold: Transforming the Horizon – Early Mounds and Monumentalised Landscapes in the North Caucasus and Their Social Context; Yilmaz Selim Erdal, Bakhtiyar Jalilov, Meliha Melis Koruyucu, Valentina d’Amico, Ömür Dilek Erdal: Kura-Araxes Kurgans at Uzun Rama, Azerbaijan: Interpretation of the Burial Customs and Human Remains; Muzaffar Magsud Oglu Huseynov: Tatarli Kurgans; Brenna r. Hassett, Haluk Sağlamtimur, Metin Batihan: The Radical Death of the 4th Millennium: Contextualising Human Sacrifice at Başur Höyük; Goderdzi Narimanishvili, Nino Shanshashvili, George Narimanishvili: Kurgans of Trialeti: The Roads to Eternity; Aynur Özfirat: Kurgans in the Highlands of Eastern Anatolia: From the Kura-Araxes Period to the Urartian Kingdom; Şevket Dönmez: Horse Burials in Anatolian Protohistory; Artavazd Zakyan, Mateusz Iskra, Hasmik Simonyan: The Internal Arrangement and Reuse of Kurgan Chambers in the Metsamor Cemetery; Zaur Hasanov: Two Different Funerary Rituals in the Kurgans of the Eastern Part of the South Caucasus in the Early Iron Age; Lorenzo Crescioli: The Scythians and the Southern Caucasus Region.

Between Syria and The Highlands
Studies in Honor of Giorgio Buccellati & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati

Stefano Valentini - Guido Guarducci (editors)

Arbor Sapientiae (Roma), 2019

Acknowledgements, Foreword, Giorgio Buccellati & Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Author Biographies, Maamoun Abdulkarim, Afaf Laila: Ruweiha, a Village from Northern Syria During Byzantine Period: Study of Preservation of Domestic Architecture; Neville Agnew, Martha Demas: Integrating Conservation, Archaeology, and Community at Tell Mozan (Urkesh); Silvia Alaura: The Wandering Life of the Hittite Seal Dresden ZV 1769 at the End of the 19th Century: New Archival Light; Mohammed Alkhalid: Tales from the Desert Nomads: From Textual Sources till Gertrude Bell’s Letters; Alfonso Archi: Šamagan and the Mules of Ebla. Syrian Gods in Sumerian Disguise; Piotr Bieliński, Dorota Bielińska: A Tale of Two Temples of the Ninevite 5 Period; Luca Bombardieri: Give a Man a Fish or Teach Him How to Fish? Situated Learning and the Emergence of Communities of Practice in Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East; Marco Bonechi: How Kirta’s Love for Blue-Eyed Hurriya Clarifies Ebla Ophtalmic Terms and the 3rd Column of the ‘Barton Cylinder’; Federico Buccellati: Houses of Nippur: An Architectural Study using EnCAB; Amalia Catagnoti: Symbol of Wisdom, Decorated with Earrings: The Ear in the Ebla Texts; Dominique Charpin: Quelques Aspects Méconnus du Statut et du Rôle des Quartiers-bâbtum dans les Villes Paléo-Babyloniennes; Caitlin Chaves Yates: Tell Mozan’s Outer City in the Third Millennium BCE; Marta D’Andrea, Agnese Vacca: Alike but Different. Drinking Vessels in the Eastern Mediterranean around 2500-2000 BC; Vittoria Dall’Armellina, Elena Rova: Beasts and Wine. Zoomorphic Vessels and the Northern Corridor of the Near East; Rita Dolce: On the Basalt Base from Susa (Sb5): A Reinterpretation; Ernestine S. Elster: The Scepter of Sitagroi and Early Bronze Age Symbols of Power; Stefania Ermidoro: The Repentant God in the Flood Story. A Comparison Between When Gods Were Men and Genesis 6-9; Diane Favro: The Roman Bridge over the Chabinas: Meaning in Infrastructure; Candida Felli: Ladies and Cups: A Reconsideration of some Akkadian Artefacts from Northern Syria; Ellery Frahm: Seen Through a Glass Darkly: Reexamining Connections Between Mesopotamia and the Caucasus; Pelio Fronzaroli: About the Eblaite Names of the “Cultic Journey”; Thomas Gamkrelidze: La Patria Protoindeuropea e le Migrazioni Indeuropee; Rick Hauser: Learning from Canis 203. Impressions of an Absent Artifact; Frank Hole, Yukiko Tonoike: Traces of Third Millennium Pastoralism in the Jebel Abd al-Aziz Region; Marta Luciani: Between Enduring Symbols and Elite Identity: New Glyptic Evidence from Nuzi; Yasmine Mahmoud: Through the Eyes of the Ancients. The Perception of Beauty in 3rd Millennium Syria; Massimo Maiocchi: Thoughts on Ancient Textual Sources in Their Current Digital Embodiments; Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault, Olivier Rouault: Les Murs de Kilizu; Paolo Matthiae: A Note on Lions at Temple Entrances in Old and Middle Syrian Temples; Stefania Mazzoni: Up and Down in Early Syrian Palaces: Spaces of Power Performance and Economic Wealth; Diederik J. W. Meijer: Giorgio Buccellati’s critique and archaeological explanation; Maria Gabriella Micale: Some Considerations on Walter Andrae’s “Urformen des Kultbaues”, in Mensch und Baukunst. Eine Correspondenz 2 (1953): 1-5, or rather…On a Hidden Grundthema of Archaeological Research; Rauf M. Munchaev, Shahmardan N. Amirov: Collection of Seals from the Settlement of Tell Hazna 1 (Syria); Davide Nadali: Miniatures of Wars: Fights, Skirmishes and Conflicts in Ancient Near Eastern Seals; Luca Peyronel: Il ruggito del Leone. Qualche Osservazione sulle Immagini Ferine nel Mondo Siriano del III Millennio a. C.; Frances Pinnock: A Game of Goddesses (and Thrones?). Some Reflection about a Cylinder Seal Impression from the Royal Palace G of Ebla (ca. 2300 BC); Daniel Potts: Wild Water Buffalo (Bubalus arnee [Kerr, 1792]) in the Ancient Near East; Marina Pucci, Sebastiano Soldi: Going Red in The Iron Age II: The Emergence of Red-Slip Pottery in Northern Levant with Specific Reference to Tell Afis, Chatal Höyük and Zincirli Höyük; Marco Ramazzotti: Nel Segno di Ebla. Memoria Topologica per la Città del Trono al Centro delle Quattro Parti del Mondo; Monica Smith: The Terqa Cloves and the Archaeology of Aroma; Marie-Claude Trémouille, Roberto Dan: Between Philology and Archaeology. Some Comments on Urartian Landscape Management; Willeke Wendrich: Placentas, Sieves and the Ancestors.


Settlement Patterns and Political Landscapes in the Upper Tigris River Valley

Rodolfo Brancato

Arbor Sapientiae (Roma), 2017

Located between the Caucasus, the Syrian-Iraqi border, south-eastern Anatolia and western Iran, the upper Tigris River region lies at a crucial intersection between Anatolia and Mesopotamia and became, since the early Holocene, a focal point in human history. There, communities during the Neolithic period experienced vibrant local developments. During the Uruk expansion in the 4th millennium BCE, the region played a key role in the relations between southern Mesopotamian societies and Anatolian people. The region served as a site of contact between commercial and imperial forces throughout the Bronze and the Iron Ages when it was highly affected by the contacts led by the Assyrians with the northern local political entities. By the end of the 1st millennium BCE, the region had become the location where “East” and “West” met.
Despite its central role in the evolution and history of the Near East, until the late 1980’s the valley was terra incognita in terms of archaeological research. The start of archaeological projects in the region was due to the planned construction of a series of dams along the upper course of the Tigris. The aim of this study is to connect all the data collected from the rescue survey projects carried out in the last decades with those available from the archaeological excavations and to focus on the changes in settlement patterns throughout the millennia. This volume is an attempt to organize our knowledge over the upper Tigris River valley, in light of the last decades of research, and as a reassessment of the available archaeological data according to the topographic method, under a diachronic perspective.


Le Necropoli Etrusche di Macchia della Riserva a Tuscania
1. Pian delle Rusciare

Stefano Giuntoli

Arbor Sapientiae (Roma), 2015

Questa monografia ha per oggetto lo studio della necropoli etrusca di età ellenistica di Pian delle Rusciare, la prima in ordine di cronologia di intervento di scavo nell’area di Macchia della Riserva, situata nelle immediate vicinanze di Tuscania (VT). La necropoli comprende undici tombe del tipo a camera ipogea e a fossa, praticate nella roccia tufacea naturale, in gran parte sottoposte a violazione totale o parziale. Due delle tombe a camera hanno restituito complessivamente sei sarcofagi di nenfro, con coperchi di tipo architettonico. I materiali dei corredi recuperati non sono numerosi e consistono in manufatti di bronzo, di ferro e in vasellame in ceramica a vernice nera, dipinta a decorazione lineare, sovradipinta, acroma depurata e grezza, spesso rinvenuti in condizioni di integrità o di completa ricomponibilità. Alcuni di essi risultano particolarmente significativi, come ad esempio uno specchio bronzeo decorato con una scena del mito greco dell’allattamento di Telefo bambino da parte di una cerva, la cui esegesi lascia intravedere una trama di rapporti con un sistema di valori della società etrusca del tempo, e due vasi a vernice nera con un’iscrizione graffita con le lettere CU, che sembrano rinviare alla presenza in questa necropoli di un ramo della importante gens Curunas, già documentata nella stessa Tuscania e a Tarquinia. In senso più generale, lo scavo di Macchia della Riserva/Pian delle Rusciare contribuisce ad integrare le nostre conoscenze riguardo alla consistenza, all’estensione e alla dislocazione delle necropoli tuscaniesi nel corso dell’età ellenistica, fornendo ulteriori spunti di riflessione sulle modalità del popolamento dell’area nel corso di quest’epoca.






MaReA Series

SoRS (School of Religious Studies) editorial series based on the relationship between material culture and religion published by CAMNES in collaboration with Oxbow Books

Material Religion in Antiquity (MaReA)
Published by:
Oxbow Books (Oxford, New York)


Chief editor:
Nicola Laneri
Editorial board:
Ian Hodder, Peter Dubovsky, Francesco D’Andria, Alessandro Naso, Pascal Butterlin, Aren Maier, Julia Shaw, Salima Ikram, James Brown, Paolo Matthiae
During the last decades, the search for religious materiality has strongly increased among scholars interested in analyzing religious beliefs in both ancient and contemporaneous societies. In particular, since the publication of Renfrew’s identification of archaeological correlates of religious practices in 1985, archaeologists have increasingly rectified the epistemological trajectory identified by Hawkes in which the reconstruction of ancient forms of religiosity appears as an impossible task for the archaeologists.
Such a material approach to ancient religiosity follows that path traced during the last decades in the field of the anthropology of religion as well as in other fields of religious studies, because as Engelke points out (2013: 212), an idealist approach to religions that focuses mainly on the ‘beliefs’ and puts aside the material and practical part of religious beliefs does not have a long life because  ‘essence needs stuff, [and] spirit demands matter.’
With this perspective in mind, it will be main goal of this series to broadly investigate archaeological contexts in which clear correlates of religious practices and beliefs (e.g., visual, architectural, sensorial, textual) were unearthed. In so doing, the series will publish works dedicated to a specific topic (e.g., sacred spaces in the Ancient World, the destruction of religious material culture, sacrifice and the numinous) proposed by either the editor or by one of the members of the scientific committee. In some circumstances and, if the scientific committee will find it fitting with the series objectives, the series volume will represent either an edited volume of conference proceedings or a single authored monograph.
MaReA 1

Materializing the divine through human remains in antiquity

Edited by Nicola Laneri

Oxbow Books, 2021
The human body represents the perfect element for relating communities of the living with the divine. This is clearly evident in the mythological stories that recount the creation of humans by deities among ancient and contemporaneous societies across a very broad geographical environment. Thus, parts of selected human body parts or skeletal elements can then become an ideal proxy for connecting with the supernatural as demonstrated by the cult of the human skulls among Neolithic communities in the Near East as well as the cult of the relics of Christian saints.
The aim of this volume is to undertake a cross-cultural investigation of the role played in antiquity by humans and human remains in creating forms of relationality with the divine. Such an approach will highlight how the human body can be envisioned as part of a broader materialization of religious beliefs that is based on connecting different realms of materiality in perceiving the supernatural by the community of the livings. Case studies on ritual aspects of funerary practices is presented, emphasising the varied roles of body parts in mortuary rituals and as relics. Other papers take a wider look at regional practices in various time periods and cultural contexts to explore the central role of the corpse in the negotiation of death in human culture.
1) The Sacred Body: Introduction Nicola Laneri; 2) Materializing what Matters. Ritualized Bodies from Time Before Text Liv Nilsson Stutz; 3) Inscribing Bodies in Bronze Age Cyprus Louise Steel; 4) Manufacturing relics: the social construction of the ‘sacred things’ Arianna Rotondo; 5) You’re in You’re Out: Sacred Royal Bodies and the High Priests of Amen Kara Cooney; 6) Materializing the Ancestors: Sacred Body Parts and Fragments in the Ancient Near East Melissa S. Cradic; 7) Modified Bodies: An Interpretation of Social Identity Embedded into Bones Yilmaz Erdal and Valentina D’Amico, 8) Feeding the Divine: Body Concepts and Human Sacrifice among the Classic-Period Maya Vera Tiesler
MaReA 2

Animism and Materiality in Ancient Religions

Edited by Nicola Laneri e Anna Perdibon

Oxbow Books, 2022
Sacred Nature: Animism and Materiality in Ancient Religions is the second volume of the series Material Religion in Antiquity (MaReA). The book collects the proceedings of the international online workshop carrying the same title organized by CAMNES, SoRS on 20–21 May 2021. Sacred Nature brings together the perspectives of scholars from different disciplines (archaeology, anthropology, iconography, philology, history of religions) about the notions of nature, sacredness, animism and materiality in ancient religions of the Old and the New World. The contributions highlight various ways of understandings the relationships that occurred between human beings, animals, plants, rivers, deities and the land in the religious life of ancient societies. In particular, each chapter explores entangled aspects of the perception of nature and its other-than-human inhabitants, and contributes to readdress some notions about nature, personhood/agency, divinity/sacrality, and materiality/spirituality in ancient religions and cosmologies. In this line, the book seeks to promote a starkly inter-disciplinary and religious-anthropological approach to the definition of ‘sacred nature’, especially engaging with the analytical category of animism as a fruitful conceptual tool for the investigation of human-environmental relations in the ancient religious conceptions, representations and practices. Dialoguing with animism and drawing upon the question on how an ancient religion happened materially, the volume presents key case studies that explore how nature and its non-human inhabitants were understood, represented, engaged with and interwoven in the sacred and sensuous landscapes of ancients.

Introduction: Sacred Nature: Animism and Materiality in ancient Religions, Anna Perdibon and Nicola Laneri; 1. Before Nature: perspectives from new animist world-making, Graham Harvey; 2. Watercraft as Assemblage in the Western Arctic, Erica Hill; 3. Between Realms of Being: Signs of Liminality in Ancient Altai Stone Monuments, Esther Jacobson-Tepfer; 4. In Mantic and Hostile Lands: Surveillance and Mimesis by Divination in the Late Old Babylonian Period, Seth Richardson; 5. Nymphs or trees? Some remarks on the “animistic” interpretation of Homeric hymn to Aphrodite, Doralice Fabiano; 6. The dawn of the Potnia. Reception and reinterpretation of an archetypal model in protohistoric peninsular Italy, Valentino Nizzo; 7. Responsibilities, Obedience, and Righteousness: Other-Than-Human Creatures in the Hebrew Bible, Mari Joerstad
MaReA 3

ICAS I: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Archaeology of Symbols​

A cura di Guido Guarducci, Nicola Laneri e Stefano Valentini

Oxbow Books, 2024
This third volume in the Material Religion in Antiquity series stems from the First International Congress on the Archaeology of Symbols (ICAS I) that took place in Florence in May 2022. The archaeological process of reconstructing and understanding our past has undergone several reassessments in the last century, producing an equal number of new perspectives and approaches. The recent materiality turn emphasizes the necessity to ground those achievements in order to build fresh avenues of interpretation and reach new boundaries in the study of the human kind and its ecology. Symbols must not be conceived only as allegory but also, and perhaps mainly, as reason (raison d’être) and meaning (culture). They may be considered key elements leading to interpretation, not only in their physical manifestation but by being infused with the gestures, beliefs and intentions of their creators, created in a specific context and with a specific chaîne opératoire.
In this volume a variety of case studies is offered, representing disparate ancient cultures in the Mediterranean and central Europe and the Near East. The thread that connects them revolves around the prominence of symbols and allegorical aspects in archaeology, whether they are considered as expressions of iconographic evidence, material culture or ritual ceremonies, seen from a multicultural perspective. This (and subsequent ICAS) volumes, therefore, aims to embrace all the different aspects pertaining to symbols in archaeology in a specific ‘place’, allowing the reader to deepen their knowledge of such a fascinating and multifaceted topic, by looking at it from a multicultural perspective.
Introduction: Symbols in mind, symbols in matter: Guido Guarducci, Nicola Laneri, and Stefano Valentini
Symbols in Currents or Strings of Energy: Ian Hodder
Some Remarks about the Representation of the Cupping-Vessel (σικύα/cucurbita) in the Ancient World: María Ángeles Alonso Alonso
Abstract Depictions of Animals on Late Bronze Swords from East Georgia: Simone Arnhold, Shorena Davitashvili
A Comparison between Philistine/Canaanite and Judean Iconography during the Iron Age II: David Ben-Shlomo
Reflection of a Soul? Mirror-Linked Symbolism in Early Nomadic Burials (Southern Urals, Russia): Natalia Berseneva, Margaryan Kseniya
The Physical Materiality of the Divine and Its Symbols: The Case of Sarapis’ Attributes in Hellenistic Egypt: Efstathia Dionysopoulou
Ritual and Symbolism in the Matiate Underground City: Durmuş Ersun
The Architectural System of the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara: Its Symbolic Expression Between Social and Semiotic Sphere: Massimiliano Franci
Icon – Index – Symbol. Experiencing Material Signs through Ancient Figurines: Regine Hunziker-Rodewald, Andrei Aioanei
The Human Hand as a Symbol in Ancient Egyptian Thought: Christos Kekes
Feminine Symbolism in the Iconography of ‘Luristan Bronzes’: Zahra Kouzehgari
Images and Symbols of 12th c. BC Pictorial Pottery from Cyprus: Anna Lekka
Insights from the Philistine ‘Symbol-Scape’ on Philistine Origins and Social Structure: Aren Maeir
Deer Symbolism in the Kura-Araxes Culture: A View from the Village of Kvatskhelebi, Georgia: Sarit Paz
Network of Symbolisms in a Private Tomb in Ancient Thebes: Maria Violeta Pereyra, Mariano Bonanno
Is it the Hairstyle? Female Figurines with Hairdo in the Context of the 6th Millennium BC Imagery of the Southern Levant: Dina Shalem, Ianir Milevski, Nimrod Getzov, Ehud Galili, Anat Cohen-Weinberber

Other scientific publications and editorial productions

List of CAMNES publications in chronological order starting from the bottom

The Identity of the Local Communities of Eastern Anatolia, South Caucasus and Periphery during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age
A Reassessment of the Material Culture and the Socio-Economic Landscape

(Vol. 1 printed; Vol. 2 on-line catalogue)

Guido Guarducci

Oxbow Books (Oxford & Philadelphia), 2019

This study analyses the social and symbolic value of the material culture, in particular the pottery production and the architecture, and the social structure of the local communities of a broad area encompassing Eastern Anatolia, the South Caucasus and North-western Iran during the last phase of the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age. This broad area is known from the Assyrian texts as ‘Nairi lands’. The second part of the study, furnishes a reassessment of pottery production characteristics and theories, as well as of the socio-economic structure and issues, tied to the sedentary and mobile local communities of the Nairi lands. The study brings into focus the characteristics, the extension and the distribution of Grooved pottery, along with other pottery typologies, by providing an accompanying online catalogue with detailed descriptions and high-resolution images of the pots and sherds obtained from public and private institutions in Turkey and Armenia. Moreover, the socio-political organisation and subsistence economy issues are addressed in order to advance a possible reconstruction of the social structure of the Nairi lands communities. Particular attention is devoted to the pastoral nomad component and the role played within the Nairi phenomenon. The study includes a very large corpus of text images and high-resolution color images of the pottery of the area under examination, gathered by the author in order to offer a reliable tool and compendium.
Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists, Florence, Italy 23-30 August 2015
Edited by Gloria Rosati and Maria Cristina Guidotti

Archaeopress Egyptology 19  (Oxford), 2017

The eleventh International Congress of Egyptologists took place at the Florence Egyptian Museum (Museo Egizio Firenze) and the University of Florence, Italy from 23-30 August 2015. The conference was organised by the International Association of Egyptologists (IAE), the Soprintendenza Archeologia della Toscana (Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo), CAMNES (Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies), the University of Florence (SAGAS department), and with the support of the Istituto Lorenzo de’ Medici.
From animal mummies to Ancient Egyptian vocabulary to Imperial Cult Temples: of intriguing topics there was no shortage. 
The proceedings volume presents 125 peer-reviewed papers alongside a selection of posters. 
Archeologia a Firenze: Città e Territorio. Atti del Workshop. Firenze, 12-13 Aprile 2013
Edited by Valeria d'Aquino, Guido Guarducci, Silvia Nencetti, Stefano Valentini

Archaeopress Archaeology (Oxford), 2015

This volume presents the proceedings of the workshop ‘Archeologia a Firenze: Città e territorio’, organized by CAMNES, Centre for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies, in collaboration with the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana, in April 2013. This event experienced an extraordinary participation by experts in the field, and resulted also in a significant success in terms of public archaeological awareness. Almost twenty years after the exhibition ‘Alle origini di Firenze’and the publication of its Catalogo, which is considered a signal point in Florentine archaeology, the workshop provided an opportunity for discussion between all those who conducted research, protection and enhancement of the archaeological heritage of Florence thanks to the presentation of the most recent excavations. Moreover, the origins of the city that took the leading role during the Renaissance were discussed, finding in its roots the very reasons for its glorious destiny. The sessions, organized in chronological order – from prehistoric to medieval topics – were supplemented by contributions concerned with conservation and enhancement of the historic landscape whose reconstruction through research and excavation activities constantly requires new discussions and often additional reflections.
Firenze e Provincia: I Luoghi dell'Archeologia

Florence and its Province: The Archaeological Locations

Testi di / Texts by Valeria d'Aquino, Laura Torsellini, Michele Nucciotti, Francesca Paraskoulakis, Silvia Nencetti
Revisione testi inglese / English text review Guido Guarducci
Grafica / Graphics Neolab

Comune di Firenze (Municipality of Florence, Italy), 2013

The archaeological map 'Florence and its Provinces: The Archaeological Locations' was created by CAMNES under request of the City of Florence in Italian and English and is distributed free in all the tourist information points of the City and downloadable in digital high resolution on the right (click on the images).
SOMA 2012. Identity and Connectivity. Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1-3 March 2012 Volume I, Volume II
Edited by Luca Bombardieri, Anacleto D'Agostino, Guido Guarducci, Valentina Orsi e Stefano Valentini

BAR International Series, Archaeopress (Oxford), 2013
The present volumes collect the proceedings of the 16th edition of the Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA) that was held in Florence, Italy, between 1-3 March 2012 at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Florence and at the Auditorium of the Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies (CAMNES).
This edition of the Symposium focused on the "Identity and Connectivity" of the Mediterranean and the Near East, from recent prehistory up to the medieval period. The 145 contributions explore and analyse these aspects within different contexts and through multiple approaches, which ultimately enlarge our knowledge and create new bridges over these important and very much related cultural areas through their archaeological heritage.
Il Futuro nell'Archeologia. Il Contributo dei Giovani Ricercatori. Atti del IV Convegno Nazionale dei Giovani Archeologi. Tuscania (VT) 12-15 Maggio 2011

Edited by Guido Guarducci and Stefano Valentini

Scienze e Lettere Editore (Roma), 2012

This volume contains the proceedings of the IV National Congress of the Young Archaeologists organized by the Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies (CAMNES) who wanted to resume such a format already experienced in Naples, Bologna and Sassari in order to promote and enhance the activities of the young Italian archaeologists who have talent, curiosity and motivation, the same that through the long process of study, which characterizes their training, help to enhance the value of scientific discipline. The meeting was an opportunity for sharing and comparing between direct participants (approximately 65 from all over Italy) that presented their projects of study and research included in a time span between the Prehistory and the Middle Ages, between the Mediterranean and the ancient Near East. With a common fil rouge: new technologies and new scientific approaches and methodologies in archeology, in an attempt to identify and develop new synergies involving interdisciplinary research and use of the archaeological heritage.

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