He graduated (BA and MA) in Archeology at the University of Florence, with a MA dissertation (2010) on Near Eastern Archeology (supervisor Prof. Stefania Mazzoni) entitled "Khabur period ceramic kilns from A15 area in Tell Mozan: architectural and technological analysis ". He continued his studies obtaining a PhD (2017) in Archeology at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice (tutor Prof. Elena Rova) dealing with funerary traditions of pastoral groups in Central Asia. Currently he is enrolled in a Second Level MA in Geotechnology applied to archeology, at the Geotechnology center (CGT) of Siena University.
He participated in archaeological excavations and missions in Israel, mainly in Syria and Turkey, later in Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan, as well as in numerous excavations in Italy with the Florence University and with private companies or cooperatives. From 2017 external collaborator of the “Soprintendenza Archeologica della Regione Toscana”.
He is mainly interested in archaeology of production, and more recently in funerary contexts (burial mounds - kurgan) and in the use of digital instruments and technology applied to archeology.

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