ICHAJ 14: International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan

Florence 2019 - 21-25 January



International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan
“Culture in Crisis: 
Flows of Peoples, Artifacts and Ideas”

1. Under the Patronage of HRH Prince El-Hassan Bin Talal, the Department of Antiquities of Jordan and the University of Florence organized the 14th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan. HRH Prince El-Hassan Bin Talal is the founder of this conference which is organized every three years started in 1980 in Oxford University. ICHAJ is becoming a prestigious and important event for the scientific community of archaeologists, historians and researchers who, at an international level, are interested and working in Jordan.
So far, ICHAJ has been hosted at these places:
1980-Oxford (UK)
1983-Amman (Jordan)
1986-Tubingen (Germany)
1989-Lyon (France)
1992-Irbid (Jordan)
1998-Copenhagen (Denmark)
2001-Syudney (Australia)
2004-Petra (Jordan)
2007-Washington (USA)
2010-Paris (France)
2013-Berlin (Germany)
2016-Amman (Jordan)
In the closing ceremony of ICHAJ 13 that was held in Jordan at Princess Sumaya University for Technology, it was announced that 14th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan will be held in Florence, Italy, HRH Prince El Hassan Bin Talal passed a statement that ICHAJ 14 should focus on a theme "Culture in Crisis: Flows of People, Artifacts & Ideas", where UNESCO should play an active role in protecting cultural heritage and its people in the areas that are facing serious army conflicts.
It’s certainly true that cultural heritage is in danger of destruction, looting, or illicit trafficking in many places around the world. It’s also true that new types of threats to cultural heritage have developed in the last few decades. These include: the easier movement of goods across national borders via online marketplaces like eBay, the spread of global banking, the outbreak of war and other forms of political instability and poverty, and the widespread availability of heavy machinery and explosive. The world is changing at a rapid pace, and research as well as academic training must keep up with these challenges. Cultural heritage is about identity, knowledge, and the future, as well as the past.
2. Observing the program and the set of abstracts that follow, a dynamic and original picture emerges for amplitude and objective systematicity between the complex of a rich and articulated archaeological research on a potentially extraordinary scenario for a long chronological period (with some analogy, in this respect, with Italy and certainly not many other districts) and a 'laboratory' where, on equally extraordinary contexts, innovative or even experimental forms of international archaeological research are experimented. It is a scenario that characterizes this 14th Florentine ICHAJ edition as the apex of a trend that structurally characterizes, in increasing terms for participations both in contributions and authors, a cultural event that, in the sector and at this level, objectively places Jordan alongside very few other countries.
The ICHAJ, therefore, returns to Italy 24 years after the Turin edition, which made an important contribution to the insertion of the Jordanian archaeological reality into a Euro-Mediterranean network to which the organizer Giorgio Gullini had dedicated himself with his Center for archaeological research and excavations for the Middle East. The choice of the Scientific Committee (unanimously) of the Florentine setting as the seat of this return can be attributed to the recognition of the growing role and interest of Italian culture, not only archaeological, for the enhancement (between science and conservation) of the Jordanian heritage (not just stones, not just men ...) and the specific role, which now appears irreplaceable, that the courageous and generous country that is Jordan, is developing; and also the contribution that the culture and history of a place like Florence, even by recent tradition, can give to this difficult phase to a nearby region (as its history can testify). A more occasional element we would like to think was also constituted by the role (methodological, merit, but in particular 'public') that the Mission of the Florentine University, 'Petra medievale', could represent in its uninterrupted 33 years of activity, thanks to the 'sympathy' (I would say in the Greek sense ...) with which the DoA has supported and supported us (with the GDs I remember well one by one: Adnan al-Hadidi, Ghazi Bisheh, Safwan al-Tell, Fawwaz al-Khraysheh , Ziad al-Saad, Faris al-Hmoud, Monther Jamhawi, Yazid Elayyan, ...).
For these reasons we tried to give the Florentine event also a national dimension, directly involving all the Italian archaeological missions supported by the MAECI; a presence that finds a moment of visibility in the small but accurate exhibition that exemplifies a work that for years has affected the entire chronological period of the long archaeological history of the country that hosts us, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. While among the sponsors who joined the organizers (Dpt of Antiquities of Jordan and the University of Florence, with the collaboration of CAMNES), are the main local institutions (Municipality of Florence, Tuscany Region), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Agency of Development and Cooperation and UNESCO).
Cultural continuity rather than thematic, among the last ICHAJ, is certainly not random: from ‘Trasparents borders’ (ICHAJ-XI, a theme that was already at the centre of our reflections: ‘The Transjordan’ conference in XII-XIII cc and ‘The frontiers of the medieval Mediterranean’, Florence, Palazzo Vecchio-Palazzo Strozzi, 5-8 November 2008 and Exhibition ‘From Petra to Shawbak, Archeology of a frontier’, Florence, Palazzo Pitti, 2009) to Ethics in Archeology (ICHAJ-XIII) form the background of the theme that we are called to debate in Florence. In fact, ICHAJ 14 will devote much of its program to the discussion and development of new proposals and methodologies on the conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, in Jordan and in other international contexts. A moment in which such a setting will emerge clearly, will be during the 'Special Event' (January 24th, 2019), promoted by Prince S.A. Hassan bin Talal to whom we owe the same foundation of the ICHAJ, organized by the Presidency of the Regional Council - sponsored and supported by MAECI and UNESCO - open to the public and, for the first time in the forty-year history of the 'ICHAJ, also addressing issues outside the national borders; the main focus will be the situation of prolonged crisis in the region and on the role that objectively and under different aspects, is being played by Jordan, aimed at contributing, as the only country at peace in the region, and ensuring continuity to the international attention on the cultural heritage of the area, with an important Italian support; in fact, interventions by protagonists of archaeological research in Syria, Iraq, Libya are planned.
Welcome to Florence, therefore, to everyone: a city whose hospitality has been possible, so to speak, and made perceptible also through the dislocation of the works that will take place in some places not so monumental, but representative, at the highest level, of the values that the history of this city has been able to render to the civilization of Europe, of the Mediterranean and of humanity itself.
Welcome, in particular to those coming from the land of Jordan and the Arab regions: part of the history of this city has in fact shared its events with the nearby Arab and Islamic East, leaving traces in its monuments, its arts, its archives, as only Venice, in Europe, was been able to do.
Welcome to Florence, for an experience that is both scientific and personal, possibly without a solution of continuity between these two dimensions, both to be interpreted, according to the genius loci, in terms of a fully understood humanism.
The ICHAJ 14 Organizors:
  1. Department of Antiquities of Jordan
  2. University of Florence, Chair of Medieval Archaeology
  3.  CAMNES
Committes and Staff
Steering Committee:
HE Minister of Tourism and Antiquities
Mr. Yazid Elayyan, HE Acting Director General of the Department of Antiquities
Mr. Fabio Cassesse, HE Italian Ambassador in Jordan
Mr. Fayiz Khouri, HE Jordanian Ambassador in Italy
Mr. Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence
Mr. Eugenio Giani, President Toscany Region Council
Prof. Luigi Dei, Rector of The University of Florence
Prof. Guido Vannini, Dir. of the School of Specializz. of the Univ. Florence
Scientific Committee:
Prof. Guido Vannini (Chair), Director of the School of Specialization of the University of Florence
Prof. ZeidanKafafi, Yarmouk University
Dr. Monther Jamhawi, Jordan University of Science and Technology
Dr. Barbara Porter, American Center of Oriental Research_Amman
Dr. Omar Al-Ghul, Yarmouk University
Prof. Fawzi Abu Danneh, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University
Prof. ShaherRababah, Hashemite University
Dr. Khairieh Amr, Independent Researcher
Prof. Michele Nucciotti, Florence University
Prof. Lorenzo Nigro, Rome University (La Sapienza)
Prof. Andrea Polcaro, Perugia University
Prof. Giovanna De Palma, Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro
Dr. Roberto Gabrielli, Institute for Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage-CNR
Prof. Basemah Hmarneh, Vienna University
Prof. Stephan Schmid, Humboldt University
Prof. Saba Fares, University Toulouse II Jean Jaurès
Prof. Bethany Walker, Bonn University
Organizing Committee:
Mr. Yazid Elayyan, HE Acting Director General of the Department of Antiquities
Dr. Monther Jamhawi, HE Former Director General of the Department of Antiquities
Dr. Ahmad Amaireh, Dean of Madaba Institute for Mosaic Art and Restoration
Mahmoud Sobuh, Assistant Director General for Administrative Affairs
Aktham Oweidi, Director of Excavations and Surveys Directorate
Hanadi Al Taher, Director of Studies and Publication Directorate
Samia Khoury, Director of Museums Directorate
Ghassan Al Dier, Director of the Director General Office
Arch. Shatha Mubaideen, Engineering and Conservation Directorate
Prof. Michele Nucciotti, Florence University
Prof. Elisa Pruno, Florence University
Italy Organizing Commitee:
Chiara Molducci (General Coordinator)
Lapo Somigli
Chiara Marcotulli
Francesca Cheli
Valentina Santini
Raffaele Ranieri
Andrea Biondi
Laura Lazzerini
Scientific Secretariat:
Guido Guarducci
Stefano Valentini
Conference staff:
Benedetta Pacini
Dimitri Pizzuto
Gemma Alfonso
Diletta Bigiotti
Leonardo Squilloni
Giacomo Enrico Ponticelli
Sofia Vagnuzzi
Chiara Santini
Miriam Leonetti
Arianna Lobina
Martina Rodinò
Anna Maria Nardon
Silvia Valisano
Julia Maczuga

ICHAJ 14 intro



Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei Cinquecento
Piazza della Signoria

Welcome Addresses by the Scientific and Organizing Committees
Guido VANNINI – Director of the School of Specialization of the University of Florence
Yazid Hashem Mohammed ELAYAN - HE Director General of the Department of Antiquities
Welcome Addresses by the Civil and Academic Authorities
Guglielmo PICCHI – Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Giorgia GIOVANNETTI - Prorettore all'Internazionalizzazione
Costanza FARINA - UNESCO Representative to Jordan
Dario NARDELLA – Mayor of Florence
Eugenio GIANI – President of the Regional Council of Tuscany
KEYNOTE Lectures
Oystein LABIANCA - Andrews University 
“A ‘Global Turn’ for the History and Archaeology of Jordan:
Scholars Engaging a Planet and a Culture in Crisis”
Giovanni CURATOLA – University of Udine
“The Necessary Archaeology”
Welcome Addresses by
University of Florence
Via Capponi, 9
The Land of Jordan: An Italian Perspective
Andrea ZORZI - Director of Dpt SAGAS
Fabio CASSESE – Ambassador of Italy to Jordan
Fayiz KHOURI –Ambassador of Jordan to Italy
Andrea POLCARO - Curator of Exhibition

University of Florence – Via Capponi, 9 UniFi – Via San Gallo, 10
Room 5 Room 13 Room 14 Room 16 Aula Magna
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Science, Methods and Technology in Archaeology 1
Public Archaeology and Social-Economic Development 1
History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
CHAIR: Paolo Liverani CHAIR: Giovanna Pizziolo CHAIR: Giorgia Cesaro CHAIR: Marina Pucci CHAIR: Megan Perry
15.00-17.20 15.00
Ekhlass Al Qananweh
A Study of Para-biblical Texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Lauren N. Prossor
Soil micromorphological investigation of early Natufian site, Wadi Hammeh 27, Jordan
Claudia Bührig,
Frank Andraschko
Sustainable Development for Heritage and Nature Protection.Transfer and Communication of Cultural and Natural Heritage for Children and Young Adults in Gadara/Umm Qays
Bernd Müller-Neuhof
No splendid isolation! Characteristics and localisation of external contacts of the LC/EBA culture in the Northern Badia
Caroline Durand,
Yvonne Gerber
When Nabataeans settled in the Hejaz: new insights from the Nabataean fine ware found in Hegra/Madā’in Sālih (North West Arabia)
Debra Foran
The ritual landscape of the ancient town of Nebo
Lisa A. Maher,
Danielle A. Macdonald
Place-Making in the Wetland: Microstratigraphic traces of Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways at Kharaneh IV and beyond
Katarzyna Radziwiłko
Heritage tourism and public archaeology reflected by sociological study and analysis conducted in southern Jordan. Case of HLC Project
Peter M.M.G. Akkermans
Recent research into the Bronze Age and Iron Age burial cairns of Jebel Qurma, east of Azraq
Ueli Bellwald
Wadi Aglat Winery in Little Petra, a Model for the Nabataean Wine Production in the Beidha – Ba’ja Area
Danielle Steen Fatkin
Toward an Understanding of the Nabataean-Judaean border
B. Lucke, N. Abu Jaber,
P. Kouki
Sediments in ancient ruins in Jordan as archives of dust deposition and land use
Nofa Nasser
The Archaeology Clubs in Schools in Jordan
Susanne Kerner
The Ritual Landscape of Murayghat, 5 years of excavation and survey
David F. Graf
The Nabataean Crocodile Betyl
Barbara Reeves
Pictorial Graffiti Associated with the Soldiers and Civilians of Nabataean and Roman Humayma
Chiara A. Corbino,
Paul Mazza
Human-animal interaction in Middle Islamic Jordan (Ayyubid and Mamluk periods)
Franco Sciorilli
Father Michele Piccirillo: An archaeologist dedicated to restoration
Andrea Polcaro,
Juan Ramon Muniz
Jebel Al-Mutawwaq. Preliminary Report of the 2016-2018 Excavation Seasons of the Spanish-Italian Expedition
Z. Al Salameen, F. Abudanah, L. Tholbecq
Documenting the visible architectural remains of Kh. Braq (Greater Petra Area): a new joint project between the al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Ma‘an, Jordan) and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
John Peter Oleson
A Military Brewery in the Trajanic Fort at Hauarra/Humayma, Jordan
P. Kouki, B. Lucke,
N. Abu-Jaber
Geoarchaeological evidence of cultivation and environment in the Petra region
Lucilla Rami Ceci,
Luigi Marino
Ruins and People. Economic Crisis, global Tourism and Enhancement of Heritage in Petra (Jordan)
E. Casadei, A. Caselli,        V. Alvarez Martinez,             J. Garcìa del Rìo
Jebel Al-Mutawwaq. Ceramic and Lithic Analysis from the Spanish-Italian Expedition
F. Rojas, S. Newman,
C. Nicosia
Archaeological Investigations in Petra’s Agricultural Hinterlands
Noor Mulder-Hymans
The Oil Lamps from Tell Abu Sarbut Jordan
R. Gabrielli, F. Sessa, A. Di Savino, A. Angelini, E. Fidenzi, E. Scopinaro,
P. Galatà
Research and development of a methodology for a three-dimensional representation of Jordan Cultural Heritage for blind and visually impaired people, through digital manufacturing techniques
Achim Lichtenberger, Rubina Raja
The 2011-2018 work of the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project: Results and Perspectives

University of Florence – Via Capponi, 9 University of Florence – Via San Gallo, 10
Room 5 Room 13 Room 14 Room 16 Aula Magna Aula Parva
History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Science, Methods and Technology in Arch. 2
CHAIR: C. Pappalardo CHAIR: Leigh-Ann Bedal CHAIR: Domenico Lo Vetro CHAIR: Andrea Polcaro CHAIR: Ilaria Romeo CHAIR: Michele De Silva
9.00-11.00 9.00
Julien Aliquot, Abdulqader Al Housan
St. John the Baptist’ church in Riḥāb: Epigraphy and history
Jennifer Ramsay,
Megan A. Perry
Archaeobotanical Evidence of Mortuary Behavior from the Shaft Tombs at Petra
Geoffrey A. Clark
Pleistocene Forager Mobility in the west Jordanian Highlands – a Landscape Approach
Mohammed Alzahran
Wadi Khuneizir Astonishing Discoveries 2018. Unknown Tombs from the Early Bronze Age and Nabataean Periods
Patric-Alexander Kreuz
Amoenitas in change. Decapolis urban ambiences, 2ndto 6th centuries
Stefano Anastasio
Historical photographs and archaeology: the case study of K.A.C. Creswell’s photographs pf the Amman Citadel
Davide Bianchi
A Cave to Live and Pray: Topography of Monastic Hermitages in the Valleys of Nebo
Younis Alshdaifat, Zeyad Al Saalmee
El-khdari Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey Project: The First Season 2017
R. Jagher, D. Wojtczak, M. Al Nahar, K. Abu Ghaneimeh, F. Hourani, J.-M. Le Tensorer
The First Human Settlements on the Left Bank of the Jordan
Meredith S. Chesson
There’s no place like home: an archaeology of homemaking in EBA III Numayra, Jordan
Nora Voss
Trade in the Dekapolis- Region
Mechthild Ladurner,
Fawzi Abu Danneh
Ancient Farmsteads in the Hinterland of Petra
Andrea Vanni-Desideri, Silvia Leporatti
The rupestrian chapel of al-Wu’ayra and the hermitic landscape of Christian Petra
Marco Dehner
Building a Capital - New Evidence for construction techniques in Petra
A. Alsouliman, A. Nowell, C. E. Cordova, C. Ames, J. Pokines, D. Stueber, C. Walker
The paleoenvironment of Shishan Marsh I, a Lower and Middle Paleolithic site in the Azraq Oasis, northeast Jordan
M. D’Andrea,
J. C. Long, S. Richard
New Insights about the Early Bronze Age Sequence at Khirbat Iskandar: The 2016 excavations
Jeannette H. Boertien
Flow of artifacts … Chalkstone Vessels from Tell Abu Sarbut
Dana Salamin,
Ahmad Shami
The Middle Ghour (Dair Alla and al Shonah aljanobieh) between documenting and protection using available satellite imagery and aerial photographs
Khaled Al Bashaireh
Ecclesiastical marble trade in Jordan during the Byzantine period: Case studies discussion
Fawzi Abudanah
What does the archaeological evidence tell us about Petra and its hinterland?
J. Zakrzeńska, A. Brzeska-Zastawna, M. Nowak, M. Wasilewski, B. Witkowska
Paleolithic of southern Jordan as reflected by inventories from the site of Faysaliyya (Shawbak directorate)
Steve Falconer,
Patricia Fall
Village Life at Tell Abu en-Ni‘aj during the Early Bronze Age Urban Crisis
Mohammed Al Nasarat
The Southern Jordan in the Notitia Dignitatum. A Historical – Geographical Approach
Andrea Zerbini,
Michael Fradley
Northern Jordan from the air: landscape change in the mohafazhat of Irbid, Ajlun and Jarash over the last 100 years
  Robert Wenning
Petraean Sculptures in Context – Problems and Insights
D. Wojtczak, R. Jagher, M. al-Nahar, K. Abu Ghaneimeh, F. Hourani, J.-M. Le Tensorer
Early Middle Palaeolithic sites from Jordan and their contribution in understanding of a laminar phenomenon in the Levant
Lorenzo Nigro,
Elisabetta Gallo
Khirbet al-Batrawy 2015-2017: the EB II-III four-lined fortifications and the discovery of the EB III City-Gate
Pawel Filipczak
The Province of Arabia in the Fourth Century AD. The voice of the rhetor Libanius
Monther Jamhawi,
Aktham Oweidi
Archaeological projects in Jordan in perspective
    F. Sauer, J. Richter,
Dirk Leder
Late Pleistocene landscape and human mobility east of the Jordan Rift Valley: Results of geoarcheological research in Wadi Sabra
Roser Marsal
Rainwater storage systems at the site of Sela: ancient water technology in Southern Transjordan
10.40-11.10 coffee Break
University of Florence – Via Capponi, 9 University of Florence – Via San Gallo, 10
Room 5 Room 13 Room 14 Room 16 Aula Magna Aula Parva
History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Public Archaeology and Social-Economic Development 2
History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Science, Methods and Technology in Archaeology 3
CHAIR: John P. Oleson CHAIR: Ahmad Lash CHAIR: Barbara Porter CHAIR: A. Vanni Desideri CHAIR: Lorenzo Nigro CHAIR: Roberto Gabrielli
11.10-12.50 11.10
Claudia Bührig
Ancient Gadara and its Hinterland
Pauline Piraud-Fournet
Houses of Nabataean and Roman eras at Dharih and elsewhere
Ahamad Elamaireh, Amjad Awad
Madaba Institute for Mosaic Art & Restoration and its role in pioneering and restoration of mosaic floors and training and teaching
Robert W. Smith
The Development of the Abila/Quwaylibah Pilgrimage Site in Byzantine 'Palaestina Secunda' and Umayyad 'Jund al-Urdunn'
Mohammad Najjar,
Steven Collins
Rethinking the Middle Bronze Age of Southern Jordan Valley in the light of the new discoveries at the site of Tall al-Hammam, Jordan Valley
Amer Alsouliman
Pre-oasis culture in the northwest Arabian Peninsula (Mid-Holocene Qulban Bni Mura Jordan)
Brita Jansen
The Hellenistic fortification of Seleukeia Gadara (Umm Qays)
Megan A. Perry
Petra in Crisis? Disease and mortality of city residents on the eve of the Roman Annexation
Abdel H. Al Husban
Discontinuities (Physical, Emotional and Cognitive) and cultural heritage in Jordan:  Illicit trafficking of archaeological objects
Basema Hamarneh
Rural Properties in Byzantine and Islamic Arabia and Palaestina Tertia: Church, State and Landowning élite
Steven Edwards
 ‘Ayn Qusayba: Excavations at a Middle Bronze Site in Northern Jordan
Saba Farès,
Vincent Ollive
 GIS mapping of long-term human interaction and water access in Wadi Ramm
David Boyer
Water storage in the context of Gerasa’s water management system in the Classical period
Mark Abbe, Michael Morris, Megan Perry
Two Newly Discovered Marble Statues of Aphrodite from Petra’s North Ridge
Ahmad Shami
The obsession of searching for treasures: its negative impact on archaeological sites and the role of awareness in preserving them
Piero Gilento
Umm as-Surab: Archaeology and Architecture in a Northern Jordanian Village. Data from the 2017 and 2018 Fieldwork Seasons
Ismaeel Melhem
The Unique Funerary Objects in the Burial of Saham al-Kfarat. From the late Bronze Age and its Technical, Social and Economic Connotations
Claudine Dauphin,
Mohamed Ben Jeddou
Reconstructing a late antique, anthropized, rural landscape: the dynamics of Byzantine wadi agriculture and viticulture at Umm ar-Rasas (Mefaa)
Craig A. Harvey
The Cylindrical Heating Pipes of the Roman Bath at ‘Ayn Gharandal
Thibaud Fournet, François Renel
On the steps of the Qasr al-Bint: New architectural study on the temple area (Petra)
Morag M. Kersel
From the Mound to the Mantelpiece – The Movement of Early Bronze Age Pots from the Dead Sea Plain in Jordan
P. Nocuń, A. Węgrzynek, A. Ochał-Czarnowicz
First results of the new archaeological projectat Qasr ed-Deir (Tafila)
Margreet L. Steiner
The Late Bronze Age Temple at Deir Alla - A Reassessment
Margherita Azzari,
Chiara Marcotulli
Surveying the villages: a first systematic approach to the archaeological contextualization and the cultural tourism developing of the rural settlements in the Municipality of Shawbak
Thomas M. Weber-Karyotakis
The Marble Statuary Deposit in the Eastern Baths of Jerash
François Renel
Imported pottery in the ​​Qasr al-Bint area: an image of the international trade in Petra (3rd c. BC – 6th c. AD)
M. Jamhawi, S. Khouri,
O. Nofal
Modern Technology for Documentation and Safe-guarding of Movable and Immovable Antiquities in the Department of Antiquities
Maher Tarboush Preliminary results of Tell Al-Husn excavations – North Jordan    
12.50-14.30 Lunch Break
University of Florence – Via Capponi, 9 University of Florence – Via San Gallo, 10
Room 5 Room 13 Room 14 Room 16 Aula Magna Aula Parva
History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Public Archaeology and Social-Economic Development 3 CONSERVATION AND SITE MANAGEMENT 1 History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Science, Methods and Technology in Arch. 4
CHAIR: Laura Buccino CHAIR: Basema Hmarneh CHAIR: Fadi Bala’awi CHAIR: Susanne Kerner CHAIR: Maysoon Nahar CHAIR: Ziad Al Saad
14.30-16.30 14.30
Bilal Annan
A Multifaceted Death: Funerary Portraiture in Roman Jordan
Zakariya Na'imat
De-marginalizing the margins: the essence and functions of the Umayyad Qusūr reconsidered
Farah Abu Naser
A Comprehensive Conservation Plan and 3D Reconstruction at Umm Qais, Jordan
P. M. Michèle Daviau
Figurines and Statues from Khirbat al-Mudayna Thamad
T. Richter, A. Arranz-Otaegui, M. Jones,
J. Roe, L. Yeomans
Environmental Crisis and Societal Collapse: Was the Younger Dryas a significant factor in triggering the transition from the Palaeolithic to the Neolithic in the Levant?
Diala Atiyat,
Ali Abu Ghanimeh
The role of Smart tourism tools in heritage city context
Jolanta Młynarczyk, Mariusz Burdajewicz
On the north-eastern border of ancient Capitolias. Archaeological research by the University of Warsaw in Beit Ras 2014-2016
G. De Palma, M. José Mano, G. Sobrà
The restoration works in Qusayr ‘Amra: an opportunity for an in-depth knowledge on the Umayyad mural paintings
Győző Vörös
The Archaeological Site Management, Preservation and Conservation of Machaerus/Mukawir, Overlooking the Dead Sea in Jordan
Mohammad H. Jaradat
The Techniques of Mud Bricks Manufacturing
& Its construction
Deir Alla / Jordan Valley
Phillip Edwards
The origins of a Natufian ‘base-camp’: new evidence from Wadi Hammeh 27
R. Gabrielli, A. Albiero, 
E. S. Malinverni, R. Pierdicca, D. Scortecci
Development of a management system for the analysis and dissemination of Santo Stefano Church’s mosaics in Umm ar Rasas (Jordan)
Mohammad Mubarak
Roman Mausoleums of Khrebit es Souq – Northern Mausoleum (Qasir El Redini) and Eastern Mausoleum
Ahmad Lash
Restoration of Al-Qastal Mosque
Duha Al Hwayan
Tourism in Jordan Reality and State in The Light of Arab Spring Case Study: Jerash and Petra
Katharina Schmidt
Was there Glass Production or Glass Manufacturing at Tall Zirāʿa? An Evaluation of the Archaeological and Archaeometrical Material 
Adam M. Valka
Technological Developments and Continuity in the Late Epipalaeolithic Jordan Valley: The Lithic Assemblages from the Lower Deposits of Wadi Hammeh 27
G. Cesaro, G. Delmonaco, M. Jamhawi, S. Farajat,
T. Salhi, H. Al Taher,
H. Lawamah, K. Amryyin, H. Hjazeen
Slope consolidation works in the ‘Siq’ of Petra: a pioneering approach
Khaled Al Hawawrah,
Basem Mahamid
The Roman Tomb (Mausoleum) of Dhiban
Raffaella Pappalardo
Life after the earthquake: an early Abbasid domestic assemblage from Jerash
M. El Khalili, M. Jamhawi, N. Al Adarbeh, A. Al Bawab
The Amman Nymphaeum Archaeological Park: Conservation and Rehabilitation Project
Stefanie P. Elkins
The Khirbat ‘Ataruz Cult Stand
M.-L. Chambrade,
S. L. Smith Investigating the Prehistoric Landscape of the “Black Desert”: Results of the “Western Harra Survey”
R. Gabrielli, G. Caruso,
G. Delmonaco, C. Intrigila
Seismic vulnerability investigations on the Stylite Tower at Umm ar-Rasas
Adeeb Abushmais
Sundial discovered in Amman Citadel 2009
  Ahmad Yousef
The role of the Directorate of Internal Monitoring in Preserving the Cultural Heritage
Omar Al Ghul
The Assyrian Contacts with the Jordan Valley during Iron Age II
Gary Rollefson
Omnem movere lapidem (“To Move Every Stone”, Latin proverb)
G. Delmonaco, M. Jamhawi, A. Shhaltough
Karak Castle instability: from damage analysis to consolidation works
Thomas M. Weber-Karyotakis
Mobility within the Limits of the Roman Empire:
Arabs in Roman Germany and Germans in Roman Arabia
    Hani Hayajneh
Nomadic Mobility during the late 2nd Millennium BC and Early 1st Millennium AD among Arabian Safaitic Tribes in the Jordanian Badiya and Beyond: An Epigraphical and Philological Approach
  A. Polcaro, M. D’Andrea,
R. Gabrielli, M. Cozzolino,
G. Batocchioni, L. Romagnoli, V. Gaspari,
B. Lucherini, F. Sciorilli,
D. Clark, S. Richard
The Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project: a multidisciplinary approach to preserving the archaeological park while envisioning a new museum

Wednesday, JANUARY 23rd
University of Florence – Via Capponi, 9 University of Florence – Via San Gallo, 10
Room 5 Room 13 Room 14 Room 16 Aula Magna Aula Parva
History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Public Archaeology and Social-Economic Development 4 CONSERVATION AND SITE MANAGEMENT 2 History and Archaeology of Jordan
Jordan in Global Histories
Science, Methods and Technology in Arch. 5
CHAIR: Gary Rollefson             CHAIR: Fawzi Abu Danneh CHAIR: Hanadi al-Taher CHAIR: Omar Al-Ghul CHAIR: Robert Schick CHAIR: Paola Zamperlin
9.00-11.00 9.00
J. Schoenenberg, J. Richter, F. Lehmkuhl, M. Al Nahar
10 years of research into the Palaeolithic Archaeology of the Wadi Sabra / Southern Jordan
M. Nucciotti, C. Marcotulli, C. Luschi
The 12th century castle of Al-Habis in Petra: a Light Archaeology of "longue durée"
T. Al Salhi, M. Jamhawi, G. Cesaro, A. Orbasli,
H. Taher, I. Farajat, S. Farajat, H. Hjazeen
Management planning as a participatory and consultative process: the example of the Petra Integrated Management Plan
Y. Elayan, R. Hunziker-Rodewald
The Citadel of Rabbat-Ammon in the Early Iron Age: A Center of Influence
Randall W. Younker
The flow of peoples, artifacts and ideas through Jalul
Ziad Al Saad
The use of 3D technologies in cultural heritage interpretation and presentation: a case study from Jordan
Yorke Rowan
Distribution of Petroglyphs at Wisad Pools, Black Desert, Jordan
Carmelo Pappalardo, Anna Lena
“The Remains of Nothing”? Pre-Crusader materials from the excavation of the “Medieval Petra – Shawbak Castle Project” of the University of Florence: residuality and other issues
Tariq Al Mhairat
Assessment of Interpretation & Presentation Methods in Archaeological sites in Madaba
Roumel Gharib
Northern Borders of Ammonite Kingdom (Zarqa) through Excavations
Hashem Khries
Evidence of administration linked to the Persian domination in the Levant in the light of architectural discoveries
R. Gabrielli, A. Angelini, R. Franchi,
E. Fidenzi
The Palace Tomb. A methodological approach for the survey of one of the most important monument of Petra Archaeological Park
S. Smith, Z. Collier,
B. Finlayson
What does it all mean? Taphonomy, space and chipped stone at PPNA WF16, southern Jordan
Micaela Sinibaldi
Settlement in Crusader Transjordan (1100–1189):
a Historical and Archaeological Study
Fadi Bala'awi
Conservation work based on rapid condition assessment: Is it realistic?
Paul Z. Gregor
Khirbet Safra: A military installation or regular settlement
Oystein S. LaBianca
Jordan in Global Histories: the view from Tall Hisban
Björn Anderson
Immersive technology, Cultural Heritage and Public Humanities and ‘Virtual Petra’
Karin Bartl
Mushash 163: A settlement of the late PPNA/ early PPNB in the Northwestern Badia
Elisabeth Holmqvist-Sipilä
Ceramic evidence for movement and economies in southern Jordan and the Negev during the early Islamic period
Husam Hjazeen
Local Community Development in Heritage at Amman Citadel (Jabal al-Qal'a)
Lorenzo Nigro,
Roumel Gharib
The Iron Age IIB-C Ammonite strongholds of Jamaan and Rujm al-Jamus, north-central Jordan
Konstantinos D. Politis
The movement of peoples, their material culture and ideas in the Gawar al-Safi during Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and the Islamic periods
K. Kopij, J. Bodzek, Ł. Miszk, M. Bernaś, H. Dec, K. Sawicka,
A. Słodowska,
K. Widuch
ArTu:DTu – Laser scanning and close range photogrammetry in Dajanyia and Tuwaneh, South Jordan
J. José Ibáñez, J, Muñiz, E. Iriarte, L. Teira, J. Santana, F. Borrell, M. Monik, L. Gourichon, A. Arranz-Otaegui, M. Portillo
Kharaysin (Zarqa): A PPNA and PPNB megasite by the Zarqa River
E. Vigouroux, F. Imbert, R. Elter
The Ayyubid complex of Khirbat al-Dusaq: nature and raison d’être
Muhammad Al-Absi
Survey of most common deterioration types and factors of archaeological columns in Jordan
Aaron Schade, Chango-Ho Ji
Khirbat Ataruz in the Late Iron IIB and Iron IIC Periods: Synthesizing 15-Years of Archaeological Excavation Findings
Walter Ward
Urbanism in the late antique Decapolis: Jerash and Scythopolis compared
P. Drap, O. Papini, M. Ben Ellefi, D. Merad, M. Motasem Nawaf,
J.-P. Royer, M. Saccone, E. Pruno,
M. Nucciotti, G. Vannini
From ontology to virtual reality: photogrammetry survey for medieval archaeology
Hans Georg K. Gebel
The LPPNB Mega-Site Phenomenon: Promoters of Rise and Collapse Revisited
Lorenzo Fragai
The Ayyubid Qāʿat al-Nāṣiriin Kerak Castle: archaeological analysis and historical contextualization of a Middle Islamic palace (13thcentury)
Yousef Abu Ali Development and Promotion of the Tourist Site of Umm El-Jimal      
10.40-11.10 coffee Break
Wednesday, JANUARY 23rd
University of Florence – Via Capponi, 9 University of Florence – Via San Gallo, 10
Room 5 Room 13 Room 14 Room 16 Aula Magna Aula Parva
History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Public Archaeology and Social-Economic Development 5
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Science, Methods and Technology in Arch. 6
Jordan in Global Histories
CHAIR: Zeidan Kafafi CHAIR: É. Vigouroux CHAIR: Jehad Haron CHAIR: Emanuela Alberti CHAIR: Aktham Oweidi CHAIR: Giovanni Curatola
11.10-12.50 11.10
Ingolf Thuesen,
Moritz Kinzel
Shkārat Msaied as Cultural heritage
I. W. N. Jones, M. Najjar, T. E. Levy
Islamic Faynan: The Settlement History of a Mining Region in Southern Jordan between the 7th and 19th centuries AD
D. R. Clark, S. Richard, A. Polcaro, M. D’Andrea, B. Mahamid
The Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP): Three Years of Community Archaeology
A. Lahelma, M. Lorenzon, R. Bonnie, E. Holmqvist-Sipilä, P. Kouki, P. Miettunen,
S. Thomas
Ancient Near Eastern Empires: Exploring the long-term regional impact of Empires upon fringe zone communities in the first millennium BCE
Omar Nofal
Improvements the Information Technology in DOA & ICHAJ
Abeer Allahham
A Power-based reading of the Muslim built environment in the Middle East. An Ibn Khaldunian Perspective
J. Moser,
D. Rokitta-Krumnow
The lithic finds of the Gadara/Umm Qays hinterland survey
Reem Al Shqour
The Ayyubid and Mamluk Khans at Aqaba
Andrew M. Smith Cultural Heritage and Economic Development in Wadi Araba: Trials, Tribulations, and Opportunities Constance E. Gane
Jalul on the Crossroads of the Great Empires
Hala Syoof
Experience Exchange in the Archive and Documentation Methods
Beatrice St. Laurent,
Isam Awwad
Who built the Dome of the Rock: a re-evaluation?
W. Abu Azizeh, M. Tarawneh, R. Crassard,
J. Antonio Sanchez-Priego
Neolithic mass hunting game traps (“Desert kites”) and related hunters’ campsites in the Southeastern Badia of Jordan
Elisa Pruno
Sherds of Luxury: Imported Pottery in Southern Transjordan
Maria Elena Ronza
Is community engagement in archaeology building the social capital in Jordan? Reasoning on a decade of community oriented projects in Jordan
Rocío Da Riva
The Rock-Inscription of King Nabonidus in Sela: a Preliminary Study
J. Häser, B. Beitz,
S. Khouri
DOJAM – A new database for Jordanian museums
David H. Vila
Notes on a Possible Early Mihrab in the Area E church at Abila
Maysoon Al Nahar
M/LPPNB Human Skulls and Yarmoukian Findings at Tell Abu Suwwan: Results of the 2016 Excavation Season
Elena Casalini
An Islamic Glass Disk Weight fragment from Shawbak Castle
Oroub El Abed, Aydah Abu Tayeh, Zeena Sultan, Rudinah Momani
The Missed Opportunity: Neolithic Past and Cultural Heritage in South Jordan
  Samar Habahbeh
MEGA in action: Assessing its contribution to the visibility of the Jordanian archaeological and historical heritage and proposal to remedy its shortcomings
B. de Vries, M. Hazza,
D. Al Farraj, M. Al Haddad, J. Suleiman
A Landscape of Peace at Umm el-Jimal: using spaces of the mind and spaces on the ground to link the Islamic Heritage of the Modern Community and the 'pre-Islamic' heritage of archaeological site
Aven Mazen Hmoud Al Qatameen
Neolithic Removed Skull: An Interpretative Perspective
Musallam Al Rawahneh
An Archaeological and 
Chemical Study of Ayyubid/Mamluk Glazed and Painted Pottery Sherds from Al Rabbah, Jordan
R. Bewley, B. Rouhani,
A. Vafadari
Training in Endangered Archaeology methodology for the Jordanian and Palestinian Heritage Stakeholders
  E. Hatziminaoglou,
D. R. Clark
 Archaeology meets Astronomy: in search of our origins
M. Ben Jeddou,
C. Dauphin
From Khan to Encampment. Exploring the Pilgrim Sopovers in Jordan on the Medieval and Ottoman Darb al-Hajj to Mecca
        A. Vernet, P.-M. Blanc,  G. Davtian
The MHJ project in Jordan: a multi-period recording system for local heritage
12.50-14.30 Lunch Break

Wednesday, JANUARY 23rd
University of Florence – Via Capponi, 9 University of Florence – Via San Gallo, 10
Room 5 Room 13 Room 14 Room 16 Aula Magna Aula Parva
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Science, Methods and Technology in Arch. 7
Public Archaeology and Social-Economic Development 6
History and Archaeology of Jordan
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Science, Methods and Technology in Arch. 8
CHAIR: Yorke Rowan CHAIR: Lapo Somigli CHAIR: Chiara Bonacchi CHAIR: L. Tholbecq CHAIR: Giovanna De Palma CHAIR: Konstantinos D. Politis
14.30-16.30 14.30
Kevin Gibbs
Excavations at a Yarmoukian site in Wadi Quseiba, northern Jordan
M. Naes, B. Kanngießer, B. Kolb
Painting with Gold in Nabatean Petra: microanalysis, micromorphology and some conservation aspects
Suzie Thomas,
Rick Bonnie Collaborating at home and abroad: Using museum exhibitions to engage with local and refuge communities
Leigh-Ann Bedal
It’s in the Pipeline: the chronology of ceramic pipelines in the Petra Garden and Pool Complex
Piotr Makowski
A step back into the past. The rise of the Islamic plain handmade ware in southern Jordan: the case study of Khirbat edh-Dharih
Amjad Awad
Using Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OAS) and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) in the analysis of archaeological artifacts
Elizabeth Gibbon
Late Neolithic Ceramic and Obsidian Networks in the Levant
R. Franchi, R. Gabrielli, E. Lupo, A. Angelini
Multidisciplinary approach to the historical and artistic heritage in the area of Petra
Shatha Mubaideen, Enas Qasem
Rehabilitation of Iraq Al Amir archaeological site (Qasr Al-Abd) and its Surrounding for Sustainable Cultural Tourism Purposes
S. Thomas Parker Searching for Petra’s Non-Elite Population on the North Ridge
Nicolò Pini
“The Times They Are a-Changin'”. Built environment as resilience marker of social identities
Fatma Marii
Recycling Glass in Byzantine Period in the Levant
Zeidan Kafafi
Late Neolithic Settlement
Patterns in Wadi az-Zarqa (Sixth and Fifth Millennia BC)
Sahar Al Khasawneh,
Nizar abu Jaber,
Catreena Hamarneh,
Andrew Murray
Testing new luminescence dating technique for the wide spread terraces structures in Petra region
Bill Finlayson
A Wadi Grows Up
Cynthia Finlayson
Rethinking Monument 468 (The Berg-Berg Monument) on the Ad-Deir Plateau Petra, Jordan
Bethany J. Walker
Resilience in the Face of Regional Crises: Identifying local know-how and decision-making at Mamluk-era Ḥisbān
Julia Burdajewicz
Technical know-how in crisis? Technique of execution of wall paintings in Byzantine period (AD 324-640)
P. Kołodziejczyk, M. Nowak, M. Wasilewski,
J. Karmowski, M. Czarnowicz, J. Zakrzeńska, A. Brzeska-Zastawna, B. Witkowska
Southern Jordan in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. New data from Polish archaeological project conducted in years 2014-2018
Mohammad Al Shebli The conservation and restoration of Al- Qatraneh Fortress project
Bushra Nabas
Adaptive Reuse of Uncomfortable Heritage – How to benefit from the European Experience
in Jordan
Will M. Kennedy
Characterizing Terra Petraea – The Petra Hinterland in Nabataean-Roman Time
John B. Winterburn
The Late Ottoman Period Defended Landscapes of Southern Jordan
Danielle A. Macdonald,
Lisa A. Maher
Artistic traditions in the Early and Middle Epipalaeolithic: Kharaneh IV in perspective
Pascal Flohr
Protecting Prehistory: Finding Late Neolithic sites in Jordan
  Jamelah Shtawey
The Story of the Museum at the lowest place on Earth/ Ghor as-Safi
  Robert Schick
Jordan at the Turn of the 18th-19th Centuries
        Stephan G. Schmid, Zbigniew T. Fiema
Paul Schröder´s visit to Petra and Transjordan in 1905
Wednesday, JANUARY 23rd
Istituto degli Innocenti
Piazza della Santissima Annunziata, 12
Salone Brunelleschi, Sala Poccetti
20.30-23.00 ICHAJ 14 GALA DINNER offered by the Department of Antiquities of Jordan


Thursday, JANUARY 24th
Cinema-Teatro della Compagnia
Via Camillo Cavour, 50/R
Culture in crisis affected countries:
The experience of Italy, Jordan and UNESCO in preserving Cultural Heritage
Welcome Addresses
Eugenio GIANI – President of the Regional Council of Tuscany
Guido VANNINI – Head of the ICHAJ14 Scientific Committee (University of Florence)
Mirella LODA - Deputy of Un. of Florence for international cooperation
Interview by Giulia PRUNETI (Archeologia Viva) and Remarks by
Ettore JANULARDO – SSA Università di Firenze (chairman)
Fabio CASSESE – Ambassador of Italy to Jordan
Michele MORANA – Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), Director of Amman Office (TBC)
Anna PAOLINI – UNESCO Representative in the Arab States of the Gulf and Yemen
Interview by Ettore Janulardo: testimonies by
The Land of Nineveh Archaeological Project (IRAQ), University of Udine
Maria Teresa GRASSI
Palmyra Pal.M.A.I.S. Mission (SYRIA), University of Milan
Serenella ENSOLI
Cirene Archaeological Mission (LYBIA), University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli'
Moawiyah IBRAHIM
Istiqlal University, Jericho (JORDAN)
Thursday, JANUARY 24th
University of Florence
Via San Gallo, 10
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break
14.00-15.40 WORKSHOPS
Aula Magna Aula Parva
Sustainable Cultural Heritage Through Engagement of Local Communities Project (SCHEP) Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa (EAMENA). Culture in Crisis - the role of digital documentation in heritage protection and management
CHAIRS: Nizar Al Adarbeh, Jehad Haron, and Jack Green CHAIR: Robert Bewley
Nizar Al Adarbeh
The SCHEP Community Engagement Model
Robert Bewley
Culture in Crisis and EAMENA – Current state of archaeology in Jordan with a brief introduction to the workshop and EAMENA project
Jehad Haron
The Site Stewardship Model
Bijan Rouhani
Capacity building in digital documentation to strengthen heritage protection – The role of EAMENA
Bert de Vries
Signage Manufacture at Umm el-Jimal: Creating a Microbusiness for Vandalism-Resistant Installations
Morag Kersel
Looting and illicit trade in antiquities
Kaelin Groom (key presenter), Casey D. Allen, George Bevan
The Rock-Art Rangers Program: Enhancing Tourism and Improving Employment Outcomes in Wadi Rum
list of participants:
Ziad Al Saad
Yazid Elayan
Samar Habahbeh
Jehad Haron
Jutta Häser
Monther Jamhawi
Morag Kersel
Carol Palmer
Douglas R. Clark, Marta D’Andrea
Community Engagement in Downtown Madaba: The Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP)
Jack Green, Franco Sciorilli
Emergency Conservation and Community Training at the Temple of the Winged Lions, Petra
15.40-16.00 coffee Break
Aula Magna EST 48 49 - antecedent Aula Magna
The new discovery of the Bayt Ras Tomb Sereen Al Shoubaki
New Mathematical and Artistic Approach
to the understanding of the facade of al- Mushatta Palace
CHAIR: Jehad Haron
Director General of the Department of Antiquities
Bayt Ras Tomb importance
Ann Andersson
The Ritual Landscape of Murayghat:
The EBA and MBA Ceramic Assemblages from the 2014-2018 Excavations
Amjad Bataineh
Bayt Ras tomb
Ezio Burri, Angelo Ferrari
Ancient water supply systems in the Ma'An area (south Jordan)
Nizar Al Adarbeh
Consortium Building as a Model of Cooperation
Ezio Burri, Andrea Del Bon, Pasquale Di Paolo, Angelo Ferrari, Massimo Mancini, Marco Meneghini, Pietro Ragni
Rock dwellings in the Showbak castle area
Jehad Haron, Ahmad Lash
Bayt Ras in Arabic resources
Gaia Cecconi
Bone tools from the EB IIIB “Palace of the copper axes”
at Khirbet al-Batrawy, Jordan
Soizik Bechetoille
Bayt Ras Tomb 2016: First chronological assessment of the various uses of the Bayt Ras Tomb
Meredith S. Chesson, Morag M. Kersel
Excavating Extraordinary Archives: Transforming Archaeological Practice in Jordan through the Lens of R. Thomas Schaub’s Correspondence for the Expedition to the Dead Sea Plains
Julian Aliquot, Pierre-Louis Gatier, Jean-Baptiste Yon
The “Founder’s Tomb”: The New Painted Hypogaeum of Bayt Ras and the Civic Foundation of Capitolias
Samar Habahbeh, Omar Nofal
From JADIS to MEGA-Jordan
Giuseppe Delmonaco, Luca Maria Puzzilli, Francesco Traversa Geophysical and geotechnical investigation for sustainable conservation of the Roman painted tomb in Bayt Ras Spyros Koulouris
The Creswell online network: documenting Islamic architecture through early photography
Marie José Mano, Giorgio Sobrà
Conservation activity in Beit Ras
Bassem Mahamid, Abdullah al Bawareed
The Rehabilitation Project of Madaba Cathedral
Marzia Marcantonini
Affect of man on the environment: a case of study in the Al-Korah District, Jordan, from the beginning of the Early Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period.
Claude Vibert-Guigue
The Bayt Ras painted tomb (2016) through the ongoing archaeological documentation
Arwa Mas'deh
Balu' Between Site and People
Maria Elena Ronza, Eman Abdassalam
Employment through Heritage Project - EHP
Valentina Virgili
Christian communities in Jordan during the first Arab domination through epigraphic sources
14.00-16.00 MINI TOURS

University of Florence – Via Capponi, 9
Room 5 Room 13 Room 14
History and Archaeology of Jordan
Science, Methods and Technology in Arch. 9
Public Archaeology and Social-Economic Development 7
CHAIR: Piotr Kołodziejczyk CHAIR: Giorgio Sobrà CHAIR: Maria Elena Ronza
9.30-10.50 9.30
Takuro Adachi,
Sumio Fujii
Chalcolithic Ritual Potteries from Harrat Juhayra 1 and 2, Southern Jordan
E. Jenkins, C. Palmer,
S. Allcock, S. Elliot,
D. Vos
Understanding construction and activity areas at Neolithic sites through combined ethnographic, phytolith and geochemical investigation
Qais Tweissi
The new Raqmu-Petra Museum, a step ahead for a modern collection management at Petra
Sumio Fuji
Harrat Juhayra 2: a Chalcolithic settlement and cemetery in the Jafr Basin, southern Jordan
Maria-Louise Sidoroff
An ethnoarchaeological study of Zizia Pottery Factory in Jizza, Jordan
Lina Bakkar
The role of Jordanian museums in activating national awareness
Moawiyah M. Ibrahim
Chalcolithic Sahab between Highland and Desert
Elisa Pruno,
Raffaele Ranieri
Material culture and residuality: methodological perspectives. The medieval contexts of Shawbak
Yosha Alamri
Excavated, documented, and stored/ exhibited Is it Safe now?
Alexander Ahrens
Connecting the Jordan Valley with the Transjordanian Highlands: Results of the Wadi Shuʿaib Archaeological Survey Project, 2016–2018
Abdalla J. Nabulsi
Unusual burials from Khirbet es-Samrā site
10.50-11.10 coffee Break
                                    Aula Magna del Rettorato
                                                 Piazza San Marco, 4
Plenary CLOSING Session
Luigi DEI – Rector of the University of Florence
Yazid Hashem Mohammed ELAYAN - HE Director General of the Department of Antiquities
Guido GUARDUCCI – Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies
Michele NUCCIOTTI - ICHAJ14 Scientific Committee (University of Florence)
Emanuela Claudia DEL RE – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

                                University of Florence
                                                 Via Capponi, 9

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